our mission
Our main goal is the exaltation of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Our preaching focuses on the person and work of the Messiah. Our worship is traditional, with a desire to offer unto God that spiritual sacrifice of praise which is both honoring to Him and worthy of His Holy presence. Our intent is to see each attendee and member grow in their knowledge of Christ, both doctrinally and practically. We desire to encourage a walk of holiness and a fellowship of love within the congregation. We also endeavor to spread the gospel of Christ for the salvation of many who do not yet know Him. We would seek to do all for the honor and glory of our Savior.
Being, we believe, under the leading of the Holy Spirit, the Charlestown Bible Church is established for the ultimate purpose of glorifying our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and God the Father. This is accomplished:
1. By maintaining a Bible teaching ministry “for the perfecting of the saints unto the edifying of itself in love,” according to Eph 4:11-16;
2. By maintaining a pure church through the sanctification of the Word and through discipline as set forth in the teachings of the Word (Jn 17:17; Gal 6:1);
3. By obedience to the divine commission to be witnesses unto Christ unto the uttermost parts of the world (Acts 1:8).
We invite to read our Statement of Faith to learn more about the truths we hold to as a congregation.

Worship at the Charlestown Bible church will vary slightly according to which service you attend; however, the atmosphere of worship will be similar in all services. The words you might use to describe our worship would be traditional, simple, participatory, and reflective.
It is traditional in that we sing hymns from the hymnal.
It is simple in that we refrain from the loud and the extravagant. There are no rock bands, special effects, manipulative techniques, or showy presentations in our services.
It is participatory in that we encourage collective participation in our singing and in the reading of Scripture. In our evening service we give opportunity for sharing of prayer requests or thanksgivings. In this meeting, we also spend a half an hour in the singing of hymn requests. In our midweek service we call for believers to pray audibly and publicly with one accord as the apostles of old. And in our Sunday school we desire to see other gifted believers teaching God’s Word.
It is reflective in that we give time for private prayer and meditation. There are two piano numbers in our morning service which are intended to give opportunity for communing with the Lord. We also usually have a moment of silent prayer for every congregant to privately communicate with the Lord.
Our main goal in worship is to give praise to the God of our salvation. We want it to freely flow from the Holy Spirit rather than being produced by human invention. We hope that our worship, humbly offered in the name of Jesus, will be acceptable in His sight.
Yours in the Gospel,
Pastor Dave Becker
We Welcome You to Our Services
Charlestown Bible Church would like to extend you a hearty New Hampshire welcome! Join us for services on Sunday and Wednesday. We look forward to meeting you!
Come praise the Lord with us and learn more about His abundant grace.